Answered By: Renée Barney
Last Updated: Oct 03, 2024     Views: 22

From a laptop, go directly to the cloudprint link (also known as PaperCut) and log in with your Wartburg credentials (use the full email address.)

  1. Go to "Web Print" on the left side.
  2. Click on "Submit a Job".
  3. Select a printer (Lib_Printer is the general printer across campus, including the library).
  4. Click on "2. Print Options and Account Selection".
  5. Select the number of copies of the print job you'll need.
  6. Click on "3. Upload Documents" and add your documents.
  7. Click on "Upload & Complete".

The print job will be held in a queue at any printer on campus. On the printer, swipe your ID, or type in your Wartburg credentials on the touchscreen, and select the print job on the screen to print.

If needed, you can cancel print jobs in PaperCut, in the "Jobs Pending Release" section. You may also delete them at the printer.


Cloud printing does not allow color printing and does not allow for any special options, such as single-sided printing. If you need to use special options or print in color, please use the standing computers in the library (located near the circulation desk).

Cloud Print is not available for non-Wartburg library users; our guests must sign in with a Visitor Pass and print from a library computer and pay at the Circulation Desk. See the entry "Can I print at the library?" entry (linked below) for more information.

Troubleshooting: If you cannot print from PaperCut, please use a library computer and follow up with ITS about the issue, so they can investigate the issue with your cloud printing account.

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